LinkedIn Profiles

National Certified Online Profile Expert (NCOPE)
Did you know recruiters mainly use social media recruiting to search for candidates?
The target candidate need not even be actively searching for a new job!
You must construct your profile so the software will find your page, and you must format the page so it looks attractive to the recruiter!
That's where I come in.
I'm up-to-date with the latest LinkedIn practices and theory. More importantly, I understand how your LinkedIn profile page is not only a critical component in a job search, but also in your career development.
* It helps build and present your personal brand.
* It's your living résumé and marketing tool. (Does your LI profile align with your résumé?)
*It showcases your skills and experience.
* It enables recruiters to find you.
* It is often the first chance for employers to see you!
​I've taught LinkedIn at networking groups, private social agencies, libraries, and public career centers. After following my tips and advice, clients have told me "I'm appearing in searches!" and "Recruiters are contacting me!"
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