Upcoming Events
Forthcoming Presentations to Libraries
In-person MetroWest Practice Interview Group
Peer to Peer Networking Group
MCOA 50+ Jobseeker Networking Group
The Metrowest Networkers Group
Forthcoming Presentations to Libraries
When: January 8 @ 9:30 am Cost: FREE
Subject: Cover Letters
​Where: Virtual - for Tewksbury Public Library
Subject: Practice/Mock Interviewing for Teenagers
​Where: In Person - for West Boylston Beamon Public Library
​When: April 3 @ 6 pm Cost: FREE
In-person Framingham Public Library Practice Interview Group
​Cost: FREE
Where: Framingham Public Library; lower level; usually the J-Program room
When: 2nd Wednesday of the month; 3 - 4:30 pm
​​Need help prepping for interviews? Don't know how to properly answer some questions? Want to practice your STAR stories?
Join us and raise your chance of impressing interviewers​​
This is a free drop-in group. No registration necessary.
As of May 2023, the practice interview group is an official Framingham Public Library service!
For Getstart-ed ALumNi Customers:
Peer to Peer Networking Group
This pay-to-join group welcomes the employed, underemployed, unemployed, and even employers
We discuss anything career-related and try to assist each other with career and business concerns.
We usually meet on the 2nd Wednesday of a month, from Noon to 1 pm.
Benefits include:
Monthly Zoom meeting
Four free appointments/chats with Getstart-ed of duration up to one hour. (A $600 value!)
Additional appointments at discounted rate.
Monthly newsletter
Two free card-sort self-assessments (Values and Skills)
10% off assessments offered by Getstart-ed at our website.
Referral bonus: One month extension on your annual subscription when the referral joins the group.
Cost: $150 (Really, how can you go wrong with this offer!?)
Questions? Want to join: Contact us! Contact info at bottom of page.
50+ Job Seekers in MA Statewide Networking Groups
Cost: FREE
This free program is available through a grant from the Massachusetts Councils on Aging (MCOA) and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.
​The 50+ Job-seeker networking program is a free support program that assists the 50+ demographic who are looking for a new job, a totally new career direction, re-entry into the workforce or a Second Act career.
Check the calendar of events at https://www.50plusjobseekers.org
Register for the program at: https://50plusjobseekers.org/register/
After you join the program, the program director will add you to a contact list that receives notice of the virtual meetings.
Metrowest Networking Group
Meets the 1st and 3d Friday of the month (in person)
10 am - Noon
The group requests a $1 donation to help with expenses.
Website with further information: https://mwnetworkers.wixsite.com/home